Manitoba Addictions Knowledge Exchange



MAKEconnections to what you want to know about knowledge exchange. From specific knowledge exchange inquiries to general research questions, you can find the answers to the most commonly asked questions here.

1. “Knowledge Exchange” seems to be the new buzz word in the Addictions and Mental Health Field. How does this website apply to me in my work?

According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, the term “knowledge exchange” means getting the right information to the right people at the right time and in the right format. Regardless of which helping professional is accessed by a client who struggles with addictions, they have a right to supports and services that are evidence based and sensitive to cultural and population differences. All the various systems of services and supports need to communicate effectively with each other in order to best serve our clients. An online community of service providers is an excellent avenue for information on best practices and current research, and it allows for opportunities for networking and real time discussions.

Knowledge Exchange projects across Canada stem from the recommendations in the document “A Systems Approach to Substance Use in Canada: Recommendations for a National Treatment Strategy”. It can be viewed online at this link:

2. Where do I go to find more information on addiction and addiction related topics?

The Knowledge Exchange Centre at the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba is the largest source of comprehensive information on substance use and misuse, gambling and related issues. For more information, please click on the following link:

3. Where can I find more information about addictions related treatment and resources in Manitoba?

On this site, our MAKE Resource Directory has a listing of organizations and agencies that offer addiction related services in Manitoba. For a more detailed description of a number of these resources, please visit the Government of Manitoba website.

For adult services:

For addictions related resources for youth:

For a listing of federally funded NNADAP (National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program) services, please view the following link: