Manitoba Addictions Knowledge Exchange



Grade 8

Grade 8 Manitoba Department of Education Healthy Lifestyle Curriculum


Code Outcome MAAW Activities
All SLOs Addictions Foundation of MB (AFM) The Basics Series (14 current, accurate facts sheets on a range of substances and related topics) The Basics Information Sheets

  • Alcohol
  • Binge Drinking
  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine and Crack
  • Drugs and Sports
  • Ecstasy
  • Inhalants
  • LSD
  • Magic Mushrooms
  • Methamphetamine
  • PCP
  • Rohypnol
  • Smokeless Tobacco
  • Tobacco
K.4.7.B.4 Describe appropriate use of avoidance/refusal strategies when dealing with potentially dangerous situations and/or stressful social situations Healthy alternativesDrinking and driving – grades 5 – 12Preventing FASDGambling – what would you do?Alcohol, other drugs and risk game
K.5.5.7.A.4 Apply decision-making/problem-solving strategies in case scenarios that focuses on substance use and abuse. Drinking and driving – grades 5 – 12Alcohol, other drugs and risk gameSecond hand smokeDesign a cigarette package
K.5.7.D.3 Identify the positive and negative social factors (i.e., influences of peers, families, role models, media, internet, celebrities, social occasions, parties, etc) that may influence avoidance and/or use of substances. Inhalant law activity – grades 5 – 8Media literacy activitiesSecond hand smokeDesign a cigarette packageDrugs and sportsAlcohol, other drugs and risk gameDrug awareness ad activity
K.5.8.C.1b Explain influences on growth and development during adolescence. Disordered eatingPersonal identity activity
S.4.7.A.2 Develop criteria and a rating system for weighing the benefits of the alternatives for making physically active and healthy lifestyle choices in different case scenarios. Gambling – what would you do?Gambling – the odds of winning and house advantage
S.4.7.A.4 Apply conflict resolution strategies to different scenarios. Gambling – what would you do?Alcohol, other drugs and risk
Describe effects and consequences of substance use on body stems. Marijuana fast factsMarijuana fast facts – answersSecond hand smokeAddictions Relay GameFast facts on inhalantsFASD fast facts
