AFM’s Position Statement on Legalization of Non-Medical Cannabis
The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba has developed a Position Statement on non-medical cannabis legalization following extensive consultation with approximately 130 agency staff, clients and AFM Doctors, the Board of Governors and representatives from various external agencies. This statement was approved by the AFM’s Board of Governors in January, 2017.
Overall the majority of participants supported AFM having a position that supported the agency advocating for a comprehensive public health model with strong regulations. A comprehensive public health model would include enhancing prevention, education, early intervention, and treatment services. Strong regulations would include the government developing effective regulations around distribution, age of sale, marketing etc.
The primary reason for developing an AFM Position Statement is to inform policy that contributes to the reduction of cannabis related harms and improves healthy behaviours. This aligns well with AFM’s mission statement, “A foundation of excellence providing addiction services and supporting healthy behaviours.” This position now provides AFM a principle to work from to engage government, the Manitoba Provincial Task Force on Cannabis Legalization, agency partners, the media, and public.